Nouns can be divided into common nouns and proper nouns.
- Common nouns are words for people, animals, places, or things.
- Proper nouns are name for
2. Names of country and their people
3. Names of towns, cities, buildings and landmarks
4. Days of the week, months of the year
5. Names of mountains, seas, rivers, and lakes.
6. Names of festivals, some specials events and holidays.
They always begin with a capital letter.Example: Jocelyn, Harold, American, Indonesia, Sunday, July, Lake Toba, Mount Semeru, Valentine’s Day.
Nouns can be singular or plural. A singular noun is used when you are talking about one person, animal, place or thing. Plural nouns are used when you are talking about two or more people, animals, places or things. Example: a man, men, a dog, dogs, an egg, eggs.
Collective nouns are words for groups of people, animals or things. Example: a class, a band, an audience, a team. Many collective nouns can be used with a singular or plural verb, but the following collective nouns always take a plural verb: cattle, people, the police.
Masculine nouns are words for men and boys, and male animals. Example: bridegroom, rooster. Feminine nouns are words for women and girls, and female animals. Example: bride, hen.
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